Tuesday 6 September 2011

Whoosh of Wings

Sounds.  What remarkable powers they have.  To hear the 'whoosh of wings' perhaps of Ravens racing directly above your head is unforgettable and revered, in particular,  if there are no other sounds in competition.  Nature sounds catch you off guard, they ground you, they grab your attention, they remind you that there is more to life than the bustle of our busy lives. My photographs are captured because I notice small nuance differences in my landscape, like a tiny mouse or a salamander that blends in.  Sounds are, at times, difficult to track, but oh, so rewarding!

This summer, like all other summers, I walk barefoot in the house and outside.  This too grounds me, I feel anchored and at peace with the seasons.  We are all so busy with this and that, remember to find your anchor, and give your anchor a hug.

Speaking of the 'whoosh of wings',  two of these Turkey Vultures were flying and then to my pleasure, landing on the beach below us.  It was the sound of their wings that drew my attention to their presence. Come-on they are beautiful and huge, the size of an eagle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photo. It is truly amazing to listen to nature's soundtrack. I am a little jealous, however, that you are able to take in the sounds of ravens, and turkey vultures; my city living situation only allows me to hear cat fights and the occasional dog bark, and that's only if the train is not passing by at the time. What a serene paradise.